
Pete joins our advisory board with over 34 years of professional experience and has been at the fore front of LED design and implementation.

Profile/Work History

Pete joins our advisory board with over 34 years of professional experience. Pete has been at the fore front of LED design and implementation. He created his first 100% LED lit store back in 2008. The store was so successful, Pete was presented with an award from the California state Legislature.

Pete is a member of NASRC (North American Sustainable Refrigerants Council. Pete designed and built several Green Chill buildings and pioneered natural refrigerants at Grocery Outlet. Pete believes that store profits begin with proper design. Pete is familiar with CARB regulations & California Title 24 Energy Codes.

Pete’s grown up in the supermarket business and has been working on store planning, refrigeration and energy efficiency all his life. From building shopping centers to washing refrigerated display cases and service vans, Pete has learned the business from the bottom up. His Father and brother are also professional store planners on the east coast.

His designs saved Grocery Outlet Independent Owner/Operators over $3.5 Million a year in power costs, while maintenance costs were well below the industry average. Pete designed over 300 retail stores of all sizes.  Pete has background in Refrigeration, retail store development and, operations. We are pleased to have Pete on our Advisory Board.